Monday, June 15, 2009

How's that stimulus working out for you?

So you've lost your job. You struggle to find another job, resisting signing up for government assistance because your a little too proud. But, finally, to make ends meet, you bite the bullet and sign up. After standing in long lines, dealing with filling out forms in triplicate, you finally start to receive your benefits. Now, you're still struggling month to month, but with the help from unemployment and food stamps that you yourself have spent most of your life paying into, you finally can almost make ends meet.

Then along comes the stimulus package. Not read in entirety by anyone, passed in a matter of hours, and full of enough pork to feed everyone in the US BBQ, you now loose part of your benefits. Sound extreme? Read this and decide for yourself.

So, the stimulus package that was supposed to help is now hurting unemployed individuals. It's now limiting the amount of government assistance that they receive because a small provision stating that the stimulus should not be used in calculating unemployment benefits was not included. Along the same lines as the fact that the tax code has not been adjusted to account for the additional $13/week that we all now "get" from the federal government. So why isn't this at the top of the list to put into law and adjust the tax code before the end of the year? My guess is that it doesn't matter near as much as the shoddy health care plan that POTUS wants to get passed. Health care....Do we really need the government to intervene in that area as well. Let's look at the government run services.

Post Office- Currently running with a major deficit ($2B lost during the last fiscal year) and discussing cutting back on delivery days and service. By the way, FedEx still runs six days a week.

DMV- Do I really need to state the obvious.

Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid- Each are on the verge of extinction and very few people younger than 40 believe that any of these programs will be around to help them when they retire.

Welfare- Let's see, a program that provides people with the means to not work, have kids, and receive a check. And we wonder why the level of work ethic within the US drops considerably year after year.

And the last point to keep in mind. Unemployment and food stamps are constantly evaluated by the government, but housing is only evaluated when the lease is renewed. Just wonder how many individuals are going to be kicked out of low income housing because they are no longer eligible.

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