Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Double standard in media? Well, not since it's state run.

When it comes to monitoring the administration, we used to have checks and balances within the government. We all know that no longer exists. Just look at how unconstitutional it was for the government to seize the auto manufacturers and banks and to dismiss the secured creditors despite multiple precedents regarding bankruptcy law and credit contracts.

So then, who do we turn to? Well, we used to be able to turn to the media. Historically "yellow journalism" and "sensationalism" was frowned upon and the facts were supposed to be supplied without a tilt, lean, or spin. I came across this article today and wondered "Did ABC get a bailout? Are they now under the same control as GM and others?" Here is the story as provided by Drudge Report, as well as another link to updates.


UPDATE: ABC has denied the opportunity for alternative views to pay for advertising during the health care infomercial next week. You'd think they would want all the advertising dollars that they can get their grubby little hands on.

Thoughts?? Now, based on this it appears that this is a policy that is being promoted. Promoted through TV infomercials which ABC is getting really good at (Did any of you catch the Earth 2100? Global Warming Infomercial anyone?). ABC Site Examiner Article

But to the point, Obama recently traveled to Chicago to address the AMA (American Medical Association) regarding his scam, sorry policy.

Now, I understand presidential travel and the need to spend millions of dollars for security, WHEN NEEDED, but this trip seems a little unnecessary when we are all saving and skimping to make ends meet. Unnecessary, just like the trip that his wife took to take the kids sight seeing on the backup 757.

So why has no one written an article like this.


Why is this not under investigation. Where is the checks and balances? Why is this remaining completely unchallenged and researched?

Just one more example of the media's love for the Obama and the lack of respect for the american taxpayer.

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