Here's another video from the Tax Foundation to help with your Cap and Trade education.
Aquaman, Questing for Atlantis: Cap-and-Trade Video
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Cap your wages and Trade your job
On Friday, the House voted to proceed with the Cap and Trade (otherwise known as Crap and Tax) bill. It was passed by a narrow margin, largely in part to the multitudes of individuals that called, emailed, and faxed all of members of the House.
There are those that didn't because they don't see what the big deal is with the regulation of carbon dioxide. Especially when you have POTUS stepping out and saying how much this is going to help the US and the climate.
That being said, for those that are doubtful of the ramifications of this bill, I am putting this post together to educate and provide everyone with the ammunition to fight this bill as it goes to the senate within the next week.
Obama stating that rates would force electricity prices to skyrocket.
Today, he talks about light bulbs, appliances, and yet more regulation. But it seems to depend on what news outlet you go to as to the edits that you see. Some, like the ABC video, that are edited to make everything look good and then others that are the actual full briefing.
The ABC news edited version and the unedited version of the speech which brings up the fact that it will not bring "untenable" burdens.
A Washington Post article about the potential regulation of your light bulbs.
Obama's own information that shows his drive towards controlling the direction of oil, gas, coal, oh, and car companies too.
Blogs are written and anyone can post anything, but have you ever heard of the Wall Street Journal? Here's a link to their article. The Wall Street Journal outlines how this plan is not economically possible and that the costs to the end user, you and I, will be vastly larger than what Obama keeps telling us.
Here's another article that warns governors to be wary of cap and trade since it will have a huge negative impact on their future budgets.
Do the representatives really know what they are voting on? This article was posted just days before the vote on Cap and Trade in the house. Sp what happened the day of the vote? A 300+ page amendment was added at 3AM and a slim majority in the house voted for it. I enjoy reading, but there really isn't anyway for me to get through 300 pages in a day. Plus, as this article outlines dems are relying on a government offices budget projections, repoublicans...MIT.
Another blogger with their opinion on what will happen.
This outlines the amount each state could lose under Cap and Trade, just on electricity.
And oil companies already have plans outlining what they will do if the bill passes. Shut down plants and refineries and move production oversees. Got that information from a little outlet called Bloomberg.
And last, a small thing that was held back until after the vote by the EPA that essentially states that it's all bogus.
Now it's time for action. Either email/comment on this and tell me that I'm full of crap, or start calling your senators and letting them know that this should not pass.
There are those that didn't because they don't see what the big deal is with the regulation of carbon dioxide. Especially when you have POTUS stepping out and saying how much this is going to help the US and the climate.
That being said, for those that are doubtful of the ramifications of this bill, I am putting this post together to educate and provide everyone with the ammunition to fight this bill as it goes to the senate within the next week.
Obama stating that rates would force electricity prices to skyrocket.
Today, he talks about light bulbs, appliances, and yet more regulation. But it seems to depend on what news outlet you go to as to the edits that you see. Some, like the ABC video, that are edited to make everything look good and then others that are the actual full briefing.
The ABC news edited version and the unedited version of the speech which brings up the fact that it will not bring "untenable" burdens.
A Washington Post article about the potential regulation of your light bulbs.
Obama's own information that shows his drive towards controlling the direction of oil, gas, coal, oh, and car companies too.
Blogs are written and anyone can post anything, but have you ever heard of the Wall Street Journal? Here's a link to their article. The Wall Street Journal outlines how this plan is not economically possible and that the costs to the end user, you and I, will be vastly larger than what Obama keeps telling us.
Here's another article that warns governors to be wary of cap and trade since it will have a huge negative impact on their future budgets.
Do the representatives really know what they are voting on? This article was posted just days before the vote on Cap and Trade in the house. Sp what happened the day of the vote? A 300+ page amendment was added at 3AM and a slim majority in the house voted for it. I enjoy reading, but there really isn't anyway for me to get through 300 pages in a day. Plus, as this article outlines dems are relying on a government offices budget projections, repoublicans...MIT.
Another blogger with their opinion on what will happen.
This outlines the amount each state could lose under Cap and Trade, just on electricity.
And oil companies already have plans outlining what they will do if the bill passes. Shut down plants and refineries and move production oversees. Got that information from a little outlet called Bloomberg.
And last, a small thing that was held back until after the vote by the EPA that essentially states that it's all bogus.
Now it's time for action. Either email/comment on this and tell me that I'm full of crap, or start calling your senators and letting them know that this should not pass.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Quick Post for the Day
There are so many articles and items from the day that I should be posting about. I mean the speech today? Does anybody remember the term "flip-flop"? Clinton would be proud of the level of avoidance that went on during today's press conference.
I apologize, I spent the evening at a business mixer hosted by WBAP 820 here in Arlington for the majority of the evening. It was a great start to building and helping to stimulate the economy and business discussions here in the DFW metroplex. There were a wide variety of individuals that attended, from those that provide jobs to those that were looking and those that were looking to help everyone in between. It was a great evening and an event that I hope provides a basis for additional mixers in the future.
Please let me know if you have questions about how this played out or how you might be able to make something happen like this in your own town.
Outside of all of this, I will try to put together a post this weekend about the speech, or among the many other things that have occured over the past couple of days.
FYI: Cap and Trade is set for vote on FRIDAY!!! CALL AND CALL NOW!!! This can not go through. You think it's bad now? This will crush the entire economy, even the states that haven't been hit as hard by all this crap.
I apologize, I spent the evening at a business mixer hosted by WBAP 820 here in Arlington for the majority of the evening. It was a great start to building and helping to stimulate the economy and business discussions here in the DFW metroplex. There were a wide variety of individuals that attended, from those that provide jobs to those that were looking and those that were looking to help everyone in between. It was a great evening and an event that I hope provides a basis for additional mixers in the future.
Please let me know if you have questions about how this played out or how you might be able to make something happen like this in your own town.
Outside of all of this, I will try to put together a post this weekend about the speech, or among the many other things that have occured over the past couple of days.
FYI: Cap and Trade is set for vote on FRIDAY!!! CALL AND CALL NOW!!! This can not go through. You think it's bad now? This will crush the entire economy, even the states that haven't been hit as hard by all this crap.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
When does it all change?
I was sitting here looking at all of the articles that I've bookmarked for postings (supporting information, new developments from the day, and all of the comments made back and forth between politicians), and while reading through them all I began to wonder, when does it all change?
What do I mean? Most politicians claim to be of the people, from the people, and a representative of the people, but how many of them do we really believe at this point?
Pelosi claims that the CIA lied, but has not been willing to provide any proof to support that fact. Frank blames everyone else for the Fannie and Freddie deals. Dodd says that someone else is to blame for the AIG bonuses. Murtha has an airport that only has flights to DC that averages 25-30 passengers per day. Before you say it, yes, these are all dems. There are Republicans that have the same issues, Alaska and the bridge to nowhere, conservatives that have affairs, and on and on.
So when did they lose it? When did they stop being representatives of the people? When did they forget the votes that got them to where they are?
Boxer cuts off a Brigadier General that is respectfully saying ma'am, to emphasize the position that she has acquired as a senator. She has "worked hard to get that title." Worked hard? Isn't she supposed to be working hard for the people that she represents and not splitting hairs with a man that is serving his country and providing a high level of respect to people that don't provide it in return?
I apologize if this comes across as bitter, but when did it happen that "We the people" turned into "We the senators and representatives"?
What do I mean? Most politicians claim to be of the people, from the people, and a representative of the people, but how many of them do we really believe at this point?
Pelosi claims that the CIA lied, but has not been willing to provide any proof to support that fact. Frank blames everyone else for the Fannie and Freddie deals. Dodd says that someone else is to blame for the AIG bonuses. Murtha has an airport that only has flights to DC that averages 25-30 passengers per day. Before you say it, yes, these are all dems. There are Republicans that have the same issues, Alaska and the bridge to nowhere, conservatives that have affairs, and on and on.
So when did they lose it? When did they stop being representatives of the people? When did they forget the votes that got them to where they are?
Boxer cuts off a Brigadier General that is respectfully saying ma'am, to emphasize the position that she has acquired as a senator. She has "worked hard to get that title." Worked hard? Isn't she supposed to be working hard for the people that she represents and not splitting hairs with a man that is serving his country and providing a high level of respect to people that don't provide it in return?
I apologize if this comes across as bitter, but when did it happen that "We the people" turned into "We the senators and representatives"?
A couple of good, quick articles.
A very interesting article regarding the support that the President is starting to loose.
Reality Check
And a couple of questions for those that still support him.
Reality Check
And a couple of questions for those that still support him.
History Repeating Itself
I came across this link to You Tube over at The Constitutional Alamo and had to share.
A former Cuban living in America wrote the following letter, posted on YouTube, to the Richmond-Times Dispatch on July 7, 2008. Who to know better than someone who has lived what we are living?
A former Cuban living in America wrote the following letter, posted on YouTube, to the Richmond-Times Dispatch on July 7, 2008. Who to know better than someone who has lived what we are living?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Double standard in media? Well, not since it's state run.
When it comes to monitoring the administration, we used to have checks and balances within the government. We all know that no longer exists. Just look at how unconstitutional it was for the government to seize the auto manufacturers and banks and to dismiss the secured creditors despite multiple precedents regarding bankruptcy law and credit contracts.
So then, who do we turn to? Well, we used to be able to turn to the media. Historically "yellow journalism" and "sensationalism" was frowned upon and the facts were supposed to be supplied without a tilt, lean, or spin. I came across this article today and wondered "Did ABC get a bailout? Are they now under the same control as GM and others?" Here is the story as provided by Drudge Report, as well as another link to updates.
UPDATE: ABC has denied the opportunity for alternative views to pay for advertising during the health care infomercial next week. You'd think they would want all the advertising dollars that they can get their grubby little hands on.
Thoughts?? Now, based on this it appears that this is a policy that is being promoted. Promoted through TV infomercials which ABC is getting really good at (Did any of you catch the Earth 2100? Global Warming Infomercial anyone?). ABC Site Examiner Article
But to the point, Obama recently traveled to Chicago to address the AMA (American Medical Association) regarding his scam, sorry policy.
Now, I understand presidential travel and the need to spend millions of dollars for security, WHEN NEEDED, but this trip seems a little unnecessary when we are all saving and skimping to make ends meet. Unnecessary, just like the trip that his wife took to take the kids sight seeing on the backup 757.
So why has no one written an article like this.
Why is this not under investigation. Where is the checks and balances? Why is this remaining completely unchallenged and researched?
Just one more example of the media's love for the Obama and the lack of respect for the american taxpayer.
So then, who do we turn to? Well, we used to be able to turn to the media. Historically "yellow journalism" and "sensationalism" was frowned upon and the facts were supposed to be supplied without a tilt, lean, or spin. I came across this article today and wondered "Did ABC get a bailout? Are they now under the same control as GM and others?" Here is the story as provided by Drudge Report, as well as another link to updates.
UPDATE: ABC has denied the opportunity for alternative views to pay for advertising during the health care infomercial next week. You'd think they would want all the advertising dollars that they can get their grubby little hands on.
Thoughts?? Now, based on this it appears that this is a policy that is being promoted. Promoted through TV infomercials which ABC is getting really good at (Did any of you catch the Earth 2100? Global Warming Infomercial anyone?). ABC Site Examiner Article
But to the point, Obama recently traveled to Chicago to address the AMA (American Medical Association) regarding his scam, sorry policy.
Now, I understand presidential travel and the need to spend millions of dollars for security, WHEN NEEDED, but this trip seems a little unnecessary when we are all saving and skimping to make ends meet. Unnecessary, just like the trip that his wife took to take the kids sight seeing on the backup 757.
So why has no one written an article like this.
Why is this not under investigation. Where is the checks and balances? Why is this remaining completely unchallenged and researched?
Just one more example of the media's love for the Obama and the lack of respect for the american taxpayer.
Monday, June 15, 2009
How's that stimulus working out for you?
So you've lost your job. You struggle to find another job, resisting signing up for government assistance because your a little too proud. But, finally, to make ends meet, you bite the bullet and sign up. After standing in long lines, dealing with filling out forms in triplicate, you finally start to receive your benefits. Now, you're still struggling month to month, but with the help from unemployment and food stamps that you yourself have spent most of your life paying into, you finally can almost make ends meet.
Then along comes the stimulus package. Not read in entirety by anyone, passed in a matter of hours, and full of enough pork to feed everyone in the US BBQ, you now loose part of your benefits. Sound extreme? Read this and decide for yourself.
So, the stimulus package that was supposed to help is now hurting unemployed individuals. It's now limiting the amount of government assistance that they receive because a small provision stating that the stimulus should not be used in calculating unemployment benefits was not included. Along the same lines as the fact that the tax code has not been adjusted to account for the additional $13/week that we all now "get" from the federal government. So why isn't this at the top of the list to put into law and adjust the tax code before the end of the year? My guess is that it doesn't matter near as much as the shoddy health care plan that POTUS wants to get passed. Health care....Do we really need the government to intervene in that area as well. Let's look at the government run services.
Post Office- Currently running with a major deficit ($2B lost during the last fiscal year) and discussing cutting back on delivery days and service. By the way, FedEx still runs six days a week.
DMV- Do I really need to state the obvious.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid- Each are on the verge of extinction and very few people younger than 40 believe that any of these programs will be around to help them when they retire.
Welfare- Let's see, a program that provides people with the means to not work, have kids, and receive a check. And we wonder why the level of work ethic within the US drops considerably year after year.
And the last point to keep in mind. Unemployment and food stamps are constantly evaluated by the government, but housing is only evaluated when the lease is renewed. Just wonder how many individuals are going to be kicked out of low income housing because they are no longer eligible.
Then along comes the stimulus package. Not read in entirety by anyone, passed in a matter of hours, and full of enough pork to feed everyone in the US BBQ, you now loose part of your benefits. Sound extreme? Read this and decide for yourself.
So, the stimulus package that was supposed to help is now hurting unemployed individuals. It's now limiting the amount of government assistance that they receive because a small provision stating that the stimulus should not be used in calculating unemployment benefits was not included. Along the same lines as the fact that the tax code has not been adjusted to account for the additional $13/week that we all now "get" from the federal government. So why isn't this at the top of the list to put into law and adjust the tax code before the end of the year? My guess is that it doesn't matter near as much as the shoddy health care plan that POTUS wants to get passed. Health care....Do we really need the government to intervene in that area as well. Let's look at the government run services.
Post Office- Currently running with a major deficit ($2B lost during the last fiscal year) and discussing cutting back on delivery days and service. By the way, FedEx still runs six days a week.
DMV- Do I really need to state the obvious.
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid- Each are on the verge of extinction and very few people younger than 40 believe that any of these programs will be around to help them when they retire.
Welfare- Let's see, a program that provides people with the means to not work, have kids, and receive a check. And we wonder why the level of work ethic within the US drops considerably year after year.
And the last point to keep in mind. Unemployment and food stamps are constantly evaluated by the government, but housing is only evaluated when the lease is renewed. Just wonder how many individuals are going to be kicked out of low income housing because they are no longer eligible.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Please support your local Humane Society
There are some that are going to blame the family for the passing of the dog, but I know from personal experience, there is no way that they would willingly allow the dog to head back into the house. In a state of chaos, sometimes is it not possible to control the situation that is happening right in front of you. A friend, (I say that based on the role that my dogs play in my life), that is willing to save you and then make sure that everyone is safe by going back into the house should not be mocked and disgraced because someone wants to talk about smoke alarms and leashes (please read the comments). Dogs have unconditional love. Why else would a dog that has been mistreated, starved, and beaten still be the reason why a family is alive today? Dogs don't hold grudges. Dogs don't know hate. Dogs provide love even when love isn't provided in return. Humans could learn a lot from paying a little more attention to our four legged friends.
Rest in Peace Jeter and God, family, and community be with the family and support them through this hardship. If only a few members of what we call humanity could learn from the level of sacrifice that an "animal" is willing to provide to his family, maybe some of the family issues that are becoming more and more common would start to slow and help us to build a more respectful, responsible society.

Moss family, please take care and know that our prayers are with you.
Poker, Bad. No money for you!
So the Government is now going through your bank accounts and freezing any funds that are received from playing online poker. There is currently no legislation on the books stating that playing online poker is illegal. A company cannot exist in the US and cannot operate, but it is not illegal to play.
But, now it has been decided that if you play poker you are taking part in money laundering. The government says that these funds "are subject to seizure and forfeiture 'because they constitute property involved in money laundering transactions and illegal gambling offenses'". And they are using their newest acquisitions, the banking industry, and the fear that fell with saying no to the government to make this happen.
So next it's anything that you win in Vegas, Shreveport, or any casino because it's bad for you. After that......
But, now it has been decided that if you play poker you are taking part in money laundering. The government says that these funds "are subject to seizure and forfeiture 'because they constitute property involved in money laundering transactions and illegal gambling offenses'". And they are using their newest acquisitions, the banking industry, and the fear that fell with saying no to the government to make this happen.
So next it's anything that you win in Vegas, Shreveport, or any casino because it's bad for you. After that......
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Stimulus Money for MT going to CA??
So what we have here is a redirection of funds that penalizes local businesses that could help the local economy and provides benefits to a company that is based in the most socialist state within the union. Sound fair? Well life isn't fair. According to BHO, it should be though.
So what we have here is a redirection of funds that penalizes local businesses that could help the local economy and provides benefits to a company that is based in the most socialist state within the union. Sound fair? Well life isn't fair. According to BHO, it should be though.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Bitter Much?

Don't try and tell me that she is not a bitter woman. I'm married and I know that look. I'm in trouble if I get that look. And she is giving it to the first woman of France in public. Can't even fake it through the D-Day speeches? Don't even remember seeing pictures of Jackie O looking at Marilyn that way.

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