Thursday, May 28, 2009

As the Constitution Falls, Chapter 1

I'm not sure how many individuals have seen this article or been made aware of it, but I wanted to link to it and get it out there.

Couple: County Trying To Stop Home Bible Studies

This is the first that I have heard about this story and I'm sure that it won't be covered by much of the MSM, but it does raise the question about the direction that the country is heading. We currently have a president that has been quoted as saying that the Constitution is a constraint. We have a Supreme Court nominee that has been quoted as saying that the court wrote policy and that a Latino woman is wiser than a white male. (See posts from yesterday for references.)

UPDATE: Here is a ruling against the 1st amendment, guess who ruled against freedom of speech.

The government now holds a major stake in the banking industry. They are seizing control over the automotive industry at an alarming pace. And while doing this, making regulation to limit the growth and the development of those industries in the future. They are currently both owner and regulator. Anyone know anything about conflict of interest cause this sure seems to be one.

UPDATE:This adds even more fuel to that fire. Closing dealerships that donate republican and eliminating competition for favorite dems. And since the governement is in control, there is no oversight, checks and balances, or fighting back. "What I say goes!" (Didn't like it much when my mom said it either.)

As this continues, we the people of the United States of America, will no longer be living in the freedoms that our fore fathers envisioned, we will be living in the same types of situations that we were appalled about with third world countries that oppressed any voice other than the governments.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

According to Gibbs, I need to watch what I say! Oops, too late, already have the post up.

Hard to believe that the White House would actually say something like this? (insert sarcasm here).

This is just another case of the WH working to tell the American public what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. I fail to be surprised by these type comments anymore.

Tighten our belts- Govt passes largest budget deficit EVER
Support our National security- They lied to us. We were never told about waterboarding.
We don't need to close the borders- I wouldn't let my family travel.
I will provide transparency- Bills are passed and the stimulus website still isn't operational.
I will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000- Cigarette tax, possible VAT Tax, health care tax, and the burden to my kids (who probably won't make over $250,000).

Life Story? I have a life story, too. Why not nominate me?

Sonia Sotomayor, she's got a story. Big Deal.

Pursuit of Happyness. Great Life Story.
Ray Charles. Great Life Story.
Elvis Presley. Great Life Story.

Hers is a story. Not a great life story. It's just the story of an individual that should actually appreciate the country in which we live and the rights and opportunities that are already provided to everyone that is willing to work for them, not work to negate the system and tructure that got them to where they are.

The sad, but true, aspect is that single parents working after the death or split of the other is not something special. Growing up in a bad neighborhood and getting out? It's been done by both scholars and athletes.

My story should be a great life story. Middle class parents that are still together and mom's still working because they can't afford to retire. Spent summers as a kid learning to work and help out on my grandparents farm. Starting working when I was 15 to have spending money (there was no allowance, I was expected to help take care of the house). Worked my way through college and then have worked my way into the position that I am in today. (Notice the key word- WORKED, not appointed)

So what is this rubber stamped nominee going to give us?

60% of appeals overturned. (I know, there were a lot more cases she handled on the state level, but there are only a limited amount that the US Supreme Court can take on each year.)

Judges make policy? Last time I read my constitution, the judicial branch was just to make sure that laws were valid and in the favor of the American People, not what they FELT was important.

It's not alright to be racist, but it is alright to tell "white males" (which by her own words she is better and wiser than) that they are in the wrong for wanting the promotions that they should have received based on the established testing that had been in place for previous promotions.

And read for yourself about the 2nd Amendment.

Let's just hope that the people wake up and realize that not approving her is not about being a Latino woman. It's about the negative impact that she will have to the future of this country.

Friday, May 15, 2009

WSJ: Gov't pressuring Bank of America board change

So despite the fact that they are putting together the capital and have passed the "stress test" the government still wants to tell the banks what to do. How is it that they have the constitutional right to control the private business of banks? Actually they don't. But click the link and form your own opinion.

It's not like when the government is in charge, the banks run better. Here's a quick history link corruption in government banking over the past 100 or so years.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’

You have to check out this link.

I seriously can't believe that he said,
“We can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” Obama said at a town-hall meeting in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, outside Albuquerque. “We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.”

Seriously? Is that what you think BHO??? What about the stimulus, the budget, the printing of money?? Is it that you finally reached your limit to spending our children's money? What is it now, 30 or 40K per person?

Why is it that when regular individuals attend tea parties with this exact phrasing, we are called radicals and put on the watch lists? But the president can use the same phrasing and it's completely OK.

I would say that I'm surprised, but I'm not. It's hard to surprise when you already have a really good idea of the ending.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Air Farce Update

So now the $300K+ flight that we all payed for is now going to produce a picture. A report and a picture, now how hard was that. Not really sure why it was so difficult for the WH to release the photo in the first place. Now the photo is going to come under additional scrutiny since we all know what is possible with PhotoShop.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

But I thought I got to see where the money is spent?

Just another example of the promises that have been broken by this administration. Transparency? I've seen concrete with better clarity.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009