Today, I was planning on a post about the health care issue that we have in front of us. As I went through my day, I was then confronted about the fact of being racist due to my disagreement with the fact that POTUS would speak out without specific knowledge of an event. Also included was the fact that I do not believe that all illegal immigrants should be covered by a health care bill. Not because I don't have feelings or understanding for immigrants, my family was originally immigrants and some of my friends and their parents have just recently received their citizenship. I just want the individuals using the system to contribute their fair share. If I'm paying, my wife is paying, my grandmother is paying, so should everyone else.
So, I ask, is this racist, realist, or just honest? If there is going to be a system for
all, is it wrong to expect
all to pay? Legal, illegal, visa, or other, shouldn't it be required to pay into a system that you have access to?
And as for the Gates issue...
Sergeant James Crowley is brought to the forefront by BHO's comment during his primetime "press conference". "I don't know all the facts, I might be biased." Are these things that we should be hearing from our POTUS regarding a local arrest? A legal disorderly conduct arrest? Why is it that a white cop arrests a prominenet black man and it's racism, yet I see this same type of arrest on both TV and in person multiple times per month and no national news is brought in? Could it be it's a white cop and a white offender, or a black, hispanic (inset ethnicicity here) and a white (insert ethnicity other than black here) arrest? Is that the reason why there is no national coverage?
Just something to think about......